JOLIMATE, the Journal of Library and Information Science, Management, Technology, and Education, is a multidisciplinary academic journal anchored by the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. JOLIMATE is a hub for scholars, researchers, inventors, and administrators from diverse fields such as library and information science, management, information technology, and education. It delivers quality content in both print and digital formats, published quarterly in January, April, July, and October.

JOLIMATE is committed to disseminating empirical and theory-based research from academic circles around the globe. In line with its policy, all submitted manuscripts undergo plagiarism checks and are subject to a rigorous blind review process. The journal's primary objective is to foster creativity, innovation, and empowerment through the propagation of empirical, theory-based, and scientific research. This supports educational, institutional, societal, and individual development.

As an open-access journal, JOLIMATE ensures that all its published original research papers are freely and permanently available online upon publication. This open-access approach is funded through charges applied only to the operational and print versions of the journal, ensuring that authors bear no additional costs. Open-access publishing is a critical aspect of JOLIMATE's operation, as it facilitates immediate, worldwide, barrier-free, and flexible access to comprehensive research papers, benefiting the broader scientific community.

The benefits of JOLIMATE's open-access model include:

  • Enhanced visibility and global exposure through an open-access publishing framework
  • Strict and thorough peer-review process
  • Expedited publication at reduced costs
  • A guaranteed, targeted, and interdisciplinary readership.

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