Article Processing and Publication Fee Policy

Library and Information Science, Management, Technology, and Education (JOLIMATE)

In order to maintain high-quality publishing standards, open access to our content, and to manage the various costs associated with handling and editing of the manuscripts, JOLIMATE charges the following fees:

  1. Manuscript Processing Fee (MPF): An MPF of N5,000 from authors in Nigeria or $15 USD from authors in other countries should be paid into JOLIMATE account (Fidelity Bank Plc.: 5601230716: Journal of Library and Information Management, Technology and Education) upon submission of a manuscript. Submission of papers and their corresponding receipts (evidences of payment) are submitted via the JOLIMATE website after logged in. This fee covers the administrative and operational costs incurred during the rigorous double-blind peer review process. The fee is non-refundable, regardless of the final decision on the manuscript (i.e., even if the manuscript is eventually rejected).

  2. Article Publication Fee (APF): Upon the acceptance of a manuscript for publication, an APF of 25,000 from authors in Nigeria or $50 USD from authors in other countries is charged. This fee covers the costs of manuscript processing, online hosting, compiling, maintaining and archiving.

Payment Process:

Upon the manuscript's acceptance for peer review, the corresponding author will be notified about the payment details. The manuscript will be moved into the peer review process once the Manuscript Processing Fee is received. Likewise, the Article Publication Fee should be paid after the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

All charges are either in Naira or Dollar currency as previously stated. The author(s) are responsible for any transaction charges that may be incurred.

We believe this policy will serve to maintain the integrity and quality of our journal while ensuring that authors do not encounter any barriers to publication due to financial constraints.

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