Manuscript Guidelines

1. Journal of Library and Information Management, Technology, and Education (JOLIMATE) accepts the following types of manuscripts:

  1. Original Research Papers
  2. Review Articles
  3. Short Communications
  4. Case Studies
  5. Opinion Pieces
  6. Book Reviews

2. Manuscript Preparation:

Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted online through JOLIMATE's Manuscript submission Form. Submissions via Email or Postal mail will not be accepted. Authors are required to ensure that the manuscript has not been published and is not currently under consideration for publication by another journal.

Language: Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose first language is not English are encouraged to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission to improve readability.

Formatting: Manuscripts should be prepared according to the JOLIMATE's Author guidelines, including the appropriate formatting of headings, references, figures, and tables.

Length: The manuscript length should not exceed 6,000 to 7,000 words, or approximately 12–15 pages, 1.5 line spacing, 12 font size, and Times New Roman font type. These formats include abstract, body of the manuscript, tables,  figures and references.

Abstract and Keywords: Manuscripts must include an abstract of  200–250 words and 4-6 keywords.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism, in any form, is not acceptable and will result in the immediate rejection of the manuscript. All manuscripts will be screened for plagiarism before review. Plagiarism above 30% will be returned to the author(s) via JOLIMATE e-Mail for  improvement and re-submission before considring for peer review.

Authorship and affiliations: All authors of a manuscript should have significantly contributed to the work and should be able to take public responsibility for it. The affiliations of all authors should be clearly indicated in the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest: The authors must declare any conflicts of interest in the manuscript. Where conflict of interest in any form is found, the manuscript will be placed on hold until such insterest is resolved before considartion for publciation.

Data Availability: Authors may be requested to deposit their research data where necessary in a relevant data repository and provide a data accessibility statement in the manuscript.

Copyright and Licencing: Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, authors will voluntarily agree to JOLIMATE Open Access Policy.

Manuscript Charges: JOLIMATE charges a nominal publication fee upon acceptance of a manuscript. Details about the charges are available on our website.

Revision and resubmission: Authors may be asked to revise and resubmit their manuscripts based on the reviewers' and editors' comments. The revised manuscript should be submitted within the stipulated time. Should any delay in resubmission occurs, the manuscript will be published in the subsequent issue or volume.

By submitting a manuscript to JOLIMATE, authors agree to abide by all the terms of this manuscript policy. This policy is subject to change, and authors are encouraged to check for the latest update or version before submitting the final manuscripts.

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